High performance polymer components designed for next generation aerospace, commercial, defense, and space technology.
High performance polymer components designed for next generation aerospace, commercial, defense, and space technology.
Engineered plastics and fluoropolymers are rapidly becoming the materials of choice for aerospace manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. To accelerate the performance of products exposed to environmental extremes and difficult conditions, Zeus provides a range of tubing, spiral wrap, heat shrink, and insulated wire solutions.
Working with OEMs, aerospace manufacturers, aircraft suppliers, and distributors, Zeus develops custom polymer solutions that reduce weight, reduce friction and provide resistance to radiation, extreme temperatures, and corrosion. Solutions include convoluted tubing, heat shrinks, spiral wrap, insulated wire, and more.
Manufactured from polymers such as PEEK, PTFE, PFA, ETFE, ECTFE, PVDF, and FEP, Zeus products are designed to meet or exceed relevant industry standards, ensuring critical applications operate reliably under extreme and demanding conditions in the aerospace industry.
Our scientists and engineers can identify the optimum materials solutions to get your project off the ground.