Aeos™ ePTFE Membrane Basis Weight and Thickness Calculator
Use the calculators below to estimate the basis weight and thickness for AeosTM ePTFE membrane. The calculators are valid for basis weights up to 20 grams per square meter (gsm) and thicknesses up to 0.00225 inches (57 µm). Please note that these calculators are for reference only and should be used as a general guide. These calculators are valid for AeosTM ePTFE membrane only.
To use the calculators:
- For “Basis Weight to Thickness,” enter the desired basis weight of the ePTFE membrane in grams per square meter, and the approximate thickness of the membrane will be calculated. Note: the calculator is only valid for basis weights up to 20 gsm.
- For “Thickness to Basis Weight,” enter the desired thickness of the ePTFE membrane in inches OR microns, and the approximate basis weight of the membrane will be calculated. Note: the calculator is only valid for thicknesses up to 0.00225 inches (57 µm).