Study and Explore Materials & Product Design
One of the primary organizational tenets at Zeus has been the power of collaboration with our customers. We firmly believe that the sharing of ideas and information is key to fostering innovation and pushing the industry forward, and Tech Days help make this a reality.
Tech Days are highly customizable events in which Zeus engineers come to your facility to deliver technical seminars and workshops specifically tailored to your team’s unique needs. Tech Days provide the opportunity for your team to:
Learn About Materials
Explore their characteristics, selection, and sizing considerations.
Discuss Product Design
Understand components and manufacturing techniques.
Discover Emerging Technologies
Identify market trends and latest innovations.
Refine and Optimize Manufacturing Techniques
Explore cost savings by simplifying, removing, or improving manufacturing steps.
Handle Samples
See and touch new materials, components, and partially finished devices.
All Tech Days are led by senior Zeus engineers and deeply tailored to your organization’s current needs. While Tech Days are most impactful as in-person events, virtual or hybrid events are also available. The duration of each Tech Day is largely dependent on the topic area and your team’s availability, with most lasting between 1.5 and 2 hours. To learn more about Tech Days or to request a visit, contact your Zeus team today!
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